4月23日,在會長羅瑛和和幹部安排下,在蒙哥馬利市拉貢公園(Lagoon Park)舉辦「我和春天有個約會」春遊踏青,當天風和日麗,吸引了100多位會員、眷屬和華洋來賓參加。


Central Alabama Association of Chinese
4月23日,在會長羅瑛和和幹部安排下,在蒙哥馬利市拉貢公園(Lagoon Park)舉辦「我和春天有個約會」春遊踏青,當天風和日麗,吸引了100多位會員、眷屬和華洋來賓參加。
Central Alabama Association of Chinese (CAAC) will start 2022 membership application/renewal. The form will be distributed through WeChat and email. You can also send email to caac.central.al@gmail.com to request form. Thank you and look forward to having you
2021年5月8日,为庆祝亚太民俗文化月,以及反对美国近日因疫情而起的反亚裔暴力事件,“多元文化节”系列的第一场活动在蒙哥马利历史古迹之一的联合火车站(Union Station)候车棚举行。本次活动由蒙市文化局主办,CAAC中区华侨协会、特洛伊大学(Troy University)国际语言与文化学院及其它亚裔社团协办。
文化节的活动内容涵盖介绍亚太文化,品尝中华美食和欣赏文艺演出等,以多角度向蒙市市民展示多元文化的融合。其中陈家园的脆皮鸡(Crispy Chicken )让不少市民意犹未尽,伯明翰腰鼓队充满热情的表演成了全场的吸睛之作。雨嫣舞蹈隊专业的中华民族舞和Jiemin/ Jasmin Castillo母女惟妙惟肖的古筝也吸引了不少观众驻足欣赏,拍照留念。
On May 8, 2021, the first event in the Multicultural Festival series to celebrate Asian and Pacific Heritage month and against the recent outbreak of anti-Asian violence in the United States was held at the historic Union Station. The event was hosted by the City of Montgomery‘s Department of Culture Affair and co-organized by the CAAC (The Central Alabama Association Of Chinese), International Language and Culture College of Troy University, and other Asian societies.
The festival’s activities include presentations of Asia-Pacific culture, taste of Chinese cuisine and music/dance performances to showcase multi-cultural integration to visitors. Crispy chicken from local Chinese Restaurant Mr. Chen was a favor dish and many visitors came back for more. The enthusiastic and intense performance of the Birmingham waist drum team became the eye-catching work of the audience. The professional Chinese folk dancing by Yuyan Dance Ensemble and the vivid ensemble music of Jiemin/Jasmin Castillo (mother and daughter) also attracted many audiences.
After the heartwarming performance, CAAC president Dr. Xuejun Shen participated in a panel discussion along with representatives from other AAPI organizations to exchange ideas and cultivated friendships. All praised and thanked the city for such a wonderful opportunity and look forward to work closely in the future.
‘Second Saturday’ festival highlights Asian-Americans & Pacific Islanders
On 4/11, people of all races attended a Montgomery rally sponsored by multiple local minority and human rights groups, standing in solidarity against Asian hate crimes, and remembering the victims of the 3/16 Atlanta mass shooting. CAAC representatives attended the event, and President Shen took an interview with a WSFA news reporter.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, the past year has been difficult. Now that we finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, Dawson of Montgomery Chinese Christian Church organized a party to celebrate the Easter Festival, with wonderful homemade foods prepared by the church members. Thanks to everyone, and we wish you and your family health, peace and happiness.
農曆新年就要到了,CAAC 預祝蒙市及週邊地區的華人華僑新年快樂!
吉犬守歲,二月十七日,阿拉巴馬華人華僑農曆新年慶祝活動將在 Frazer Memorial Church 舉行。CAAC 誠摯邀請您加入這一年一度的慶祝活動,讓我們一起在自編自導的文娛表演、中華傳統美食及壓歲錢和利是包的彩頭裡再迎龍之傳人的又一個新年。願新年興旺,鄰裡互助,家國和平。
CAAC 阿拉巴馬州中區華人協會於年底聚會,推舉2018年會長,大家熟悉的梁紅兵女士高票當選。現任會長劉暢將在2月份的春節聚會上與新會長交接。