紅火,溫馨,曼妙,歡樂 —— 阿拉巴馬州中區華人協會CAAC於2017年1月28日在州府蒙哥馬利市Feizer教堂舉辦了每年一度的春節聯歡會。這場盛會吸引了眾多CAAC成員家庭、成員朋友、大中小學生、當地媒體和友人出席,高朋滿座,氣氛熱烈,演出精彩,抽獎歡快,食物豐富,非常成功。只是辛苦了籌備這場聚會的大量志願工作人員——2016年會長莊麗麗、2017年會長劉暢、為我們帶來美妙視覺和聽覺享受的眾多老中小演員,以及負責音響播放、錄像攝影、訂餐打掃的各位。謝謝你們的付出。這場聚會的影集已經入網,請往下瀏覽,尋找你的笑臉。讓我們歡笑,回憶,感恩,期待新的更美好的一年。
Exciting, jubilant, beautiful, fun — CAAC held its annual Spring Fesitval celebration in the Freizer Church Montgomery Alabama on January 28, 2017. This gathering attracted a huge turnout from member families, member friends, students, local media, as well as local celebrities. It was a huge success in many ways. All of you will find your happy faces somewhere in the photo album of the event. Scroll down the page and find yourself — laugh, remember, remain thankful, and look forward to a better new year.