2021年5月8日,为庆祝亚太民俗文化月,以及反对美国近日因疫情而起的反亚裔暴力事件,“多元文化节”系列的第一场活动在蒙哥马利历史古迹之一的联合火车站(Union Station)候车棚举行。本次活动由蒙市文化局主办,CAAC中区华侨协会、特洛伊大学(Troy University)国际语言与文化学院及其它亚裔社团协办。
文化节的活动内容涵盖介绍亚太文化,品尝中华美食和欣赏文艺演出等,以多角度向蒙市市民展示多元文化的融合。其中陈家园的脆皮鸡(Crispy Chicken )让不少市民意犹未尽,伯明翰腰鼓队充满热情的表演成了全场的吸睛之作。雨嫣舞蹈隊专业的中华民族舞和Jiemin/ Jasmin Castillo母女惟妙惟肖的古筝也吸引了不少观众驻足欣赏,拍照留念。
On May 8, 2021, the first event in the Multicultural Festival series to celebrate Asian and Pacific Heritage month and against the recent outbreak of anti-Asian violence in the United States was held at the historic Union Station. The event was hosted by the City of Montgomery‘s Department of Culture Affair and co-organized by the CAAC (The Central Alabama Association Of Chinese), International Language and Culture College of Troy University, and other Asian societies.
The festival’s activities include presentations of Asia-Pacific culture, taste of Chinese cuisine and music/dance performances to showcase multi-cultural integration to visitors. Crispy chicken from local Chinese Restaurant Mr. Chen was a favor dish and many visitors came back for more. The enthusiastic and intense performance of the Birmingham waist drum team became the eye-catching work of the audience. The professional Chinese folk dancing by Yuyan Dance Ensemble and the vivid ensemble music of Jiemin/Jasmin Castillo (mother and daughter) also attracted many audiences.
After the heartwarming performance, CAAC president Dr. Xuejun Shen participated in a panel discussion along with representatives from other AAPI organizations to exchange ideas and cultivated friendships. All praised and thanked the city for such a wonderful opportunity and look forward to work closely in the future.
‘Second Saturday’ festival highlights Asian-Americans & Pacific Islanders